YSM Non-Sponsored Assessment Reduction or Waiver Request
This form is to request a waiver or reduction of the university and/or YSM assessment on non-sponsored revenue. The form is valid for up to two years from the date of approval or when the deposit amount has been met, whichever occurs first. Department Business Offices are responsible for submitting the approved form to the YSM Controller’s Office at ysmcontroller@yale.edu so that an adjustment can be processed. For requests related to sponsored projects, use 1306 FR.02 Facilities and Administrative ("F&A") Rate Reduction/Waiver Request | It's Your Yale
Deposit Details

Non-Sponsored Funds Assessment Information
Assessment Type
Applicable Assessment %**
Rate Being Requested %
Yale Medicine***
0.0 to 100.0 as a decimal.
0.0 to 100.0 as a decimal.
0.0 to 100.0 as a decimal.
0.0 to 100.0 as a decimal.
** See YSM Revenue Assessment Chart at Finance & Administration < MyYSM (yale.edu)
*** Yale Medicine recommendation & approval is required.
Yale Medicine Approval
Please note the date approved and attach an approval email documentation from the Director of Yale Medicine Finance prior to submitting this request.

Requestor Information
Request is being processed.